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Dr. Tracey Fein, M.D.

        Meet Dr. Tracey Fein

As a doctor in clinical practice for many years at one of Manhattan's most respected hospitals, it has been my privilege to meet thousands of  women, their spouses, children and parents. Over those years, many of my patients have grown from babies I've delivered to being young parents themselves. Their mothers have progressed from being young mothers to young grandmothers and through it all, I have witnessed the profound changes that accompany a woman's body as she progresses from one stage to another through life. My practice now centers on womens sexual health from young adulthood to menopause and it has been highly gratifying to be able to provide help and guidance where it is much needed and on a subject not everyone is comfortable talking about. I have been honored over the past 20 years to be capable of helping so many wonderful women and I look forward to helping many more. Please call to make an appointment or book online, it will be nice to meet you.  


                                               Regards, Dr. Tracey Fein




Specializing in all aspects of women's sexual health 

from young adulthood to menopause.


Board Certified, Obstetrics-Gynecology

Senior Attending Physician, Lenox Hill Hospital, NYC

20 years in clinical practice.

Please make an appointment today it will be nice to meet you.

903 Lexington Avenue at East 67th Street, NYC

          appointments: 212-249-3844     book online now

A Doctor's Blog

Please read about the latest news and expert advice avaliable on the "Let's talk woman to woman" tab on the menu bar. It's an ongoing series that is educational and informative. Learn more about The Menopause Plan, publication date April, 2016.

Great Sex After Menopause? Yes!

Sex as it used to be. No hormones.

Patients of mine 45 years and older, who suffer from Genital-Urinary Syndrome of menopause have benefited greatly from a new procedure to treat the changes that make sexual activity uncomfortable, painful or impossible for them. The Mona Lisa Touch, as you may have heard or read about, is an FDA approved laser treatment for vaginal problems arising from menopause and is of benefit for those patients who prefer not, or cannot take hormones. It is a safe and effective office procedure requiring no anesthesia or down time. My personal and professional experience with the Mona Lisa Touch has been very positive. The procedure is fast, painless and in many cases improvement may occur in as little as two weeks with continued improvement for six months. All that is required is a series of three in office treatments, six weeks apart. For those patients who suffer from declining sexual function or pleasure, it offers a rejuvenation of vaginal tissue that reverses those symptoms.

Patient testimonials
Channel 9 News report
The Science of Mona Lisa
Dr. Jennifer Berman on menopause

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